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Fair Trade

We lead safe entrepreneurship through our Fair Trade Compliance Program.

Compliance Program

It refers to an internal compliance system that a company establishes
and operates on its own to voluntarily comply with fair trade regulations.

  • Securing the CEO's commitment
    to voluntary compliance

    Declaration of the CEO's commitment to fair trade compliance

  • The administrator responsible
    for compliance management.

    Appointment of a compliance manager
    through board resolution and notify it to the company

  • Establishment and Distribution
    of Self-Regulation Rules

    Creation and presentation of operational standards
    for fair trade selfregulation.

  • Operation of Educational Programs

    Establishing awareness and consciousness
    through ongoing education of relevant mindset.

  • Establishing Monitoring and Sanctioning

    Establishment and operation of regulations specifying
    sanctions corresponding to the degree of violations.

  • Sanctions for Violating Employees

    Establishment of an internal monitoring system and reporting
    of related performance to the board of directors.

  • Establishment of Document Management System

    Systematic creation and storage
    of documents related to compliance.

SINCE 1992

신뢰의 브랜드 No.1 김가네

GIMGANE is recruiting new franchise stores.

Kim Gane Co., Ltd.    CEO: Kim Yongman    Business Registration Number: 206-86-04573
Headquarter Office: 4th Floor, Hyundai Topics, 6 Wiryeseongdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, South Korea
T. 02.923.7127    F. 02.923.1916

1994년 이래 김가네 누적 판매 김밥 수 741,922,837rolls

No. 1 majesty created by a famous kimbap restaurant
김가네 Inquiry

Inquiry 1588.7187

thank you.

김가네 's
success partner
will confirm and guide you.

Inquiry 1588.7187